inventive innovation


Our goal is simple: We aim to provide unmatched banking and technology solutions to help you, your customers and your communities flourish.


As a bank for banks, our partners enjoy a wide array of banking and technology services, backed by experts who will match you with the best solutions to help you stay ahead of your competitors.


Headquartered in Madison, Wis., we serve banks throughout the Midwest with additional locations in the Chicago, Columbus, Des Moines and Indianapolis areas. Most of our specialized services are available to assist banks located anywhere in the United States.

Bankers Bank building


Always your partner — never your competitor. ™

Our mission is to enhance the value of community-based financial institutions by delivering the highest quality products and services at competitive pricing, while providing a return to shareholders.

We’re not a retail bank; therefore, we do not compete with our clients for market or charters.

Hands shaking
People working around a table


Founded as Wisconsin’s Independent Bank, everything we do helps build stronger relationships with our partners, communities and employees. And as the need for more banking solutions grows, we’ll continue to enhance and hone our offerings to help make your bank better.


  • 1981

    Wisconsin Independent Bank opens as 3rd in the nation.

  • 1984

    We formed Bankers Bancorporation, Inc.

    We officially changed the name of Wisconsin’s Independent Bank to Bankers’ Bank of Wisconsin.

  • 1993

    While other technologies have since taken its place, we invented SatisFAXion (daily cash management summaries via fax).

  • 1994

    Bankers’ Bank of Wisconsin was shortened to Bankers’ Bank.

    We expanded our business and offerings to Iowa.

  • 2006

    We became the largest provider of ICL (Image Cash Letter) to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

    We expanded our banking solutions to Illinois.

  • 2007

    We launched OWN.IT, a client-to-client cash letter exchange network.

    To make reporting easier for our partners, we created an auto solution for FIRE.

  • 2009

    We opened our Indiana office.

  • 2016

    We became a founding member of the Faster Payments Council

  • 2018

    We reached the $25 billion mark for safekeeping!

    We invented FireSAFE, a report delivery tool with enhanced tools to make it easy for users to locate and access their reports.

  • 2019

    Starting with only three employees in 1981, we grew to having over 140 employees!

    Our stock price hit $4,459. (It was only $200 in 1981!)

    We reached 3,700 in-person bank visits. This was a huge milestone for us as we pride ourselves on being present and visible for our partners.

    We reached $100 million on loan participations (annual basis).

  • 2020

    We implemented the first-ever Funding Agent customer on the RTP® Network.


By utilizing the latest technologies, we’re able to provide you with the best tools and solutions so you can stay competitive and meet the demands of your customers.