Online Access
You have unlimited access to all of your account information and can safely originate and receive transactions utilizing our secure web-based communication tools.
FIRE: File Information Report Exchange — This leading-edge technology gives you a cost effective way to securely process, transact and communicate with Bankers’ Bank.
Features include:
- Multi-factor authentication
- Image Cash Letter
- Streamlined check adjustments
- Represent return items
- Send and receive domestic wire transfers, complete with OFAC scanning
- Receive and/or transmit ACH files
- Create single ACH entries or batch origination
- The option to OFAC check IAT files / entries
- Place coin and currency orders with the Federal Reserve
- Create and receive large dollar return notifications with the Federal Reserve
- Manage bankcard messages: new accounts, account changes, monetary transactions
- Report daily MoneyGram settlements
- Bankcard detail
- Cash management reports
- DDA statements
- Federal Fund advices
FIRE Security Administrator Set-Up Form
FIRE System Support:
Phone: 855-5BB-FIRE (855-522-3473)
For more information, contact your Correspondent Banker.