While other correspondent banks are discontinuing their bond accounting services, we continue to enhance ours. With our responsive and personalized service, we will assist you in maximizing the use of your bond accounting reports and their full range of features.

Complete Accounting
• All your accrual / amortization / accretion calculations
• Data needed to complete the Federal Call Report Schedule RC-B
• Third party market pricing
Executive Reporting & Peer Review
• Quarterly summary of asset allocation, yield and effective duration
• Compare your bank against the peer group of community banks
• Informs you of bonds with higher risk characteristics
• Easy assessment of various concentration risks
• Linked to the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) website
Portfolio AdvantEDGE™
• Market value and cash flow shock assessments (+/- 100, 200, 300, 400 bps)
• Change analysis of key metrics (e.g. effective duration, yield, average life)
With your 1-year commitment we will waive all conversion costs.
For more information, contact your Correspondent Banker.