inventive innovation

Cash-Out Refinance Benefits in a High-Rate Environment

A cash-out refinance can position your mortgage team for success in a high-rate, high-debt environment.

Why would someone want to refinance in today’s market and potentially leave their low, fixed-rate mortgage? The answer is a much lower, all-in monthly payment. Homeowners care more about their payment than a rate. Talking with prospective borrowers about how they can re-position their entire financial outlook with a simple transaction can open the door to more lending opportunities for your team.

For example, a homeowner with the loans noted below can save $534 a month.

Mortgage loan$200,000$250,000
Mortgage rate4%6.75%
Credit card payment$1,200$0
Consumer loans balance$50,000$0
Total payments$2,155$1,621
Total balance$250,000$250,000
Monthly Savings$0$534

When your team engages with a borrower, do they thoroughly review the borrower’s complete financial situation? Consider if your team is:

Bankers’ Bank provides mortgage solutions to community banks, including cash-out refinances, purchase mortgages, and other products designed to enhance your fee income. We offer access to secondary market programs, USDA, and Federal VA lending programs, as well as best-efforts delivery on all locks. Our services are customizable to meet the specific needs of your team.

Contact us to schedule a review of your mortgage needs today.